
My elective posting Week 1 : First day : SLE

Posted by Unknown  |  at  9:02 PM No comments

Assalamualaikum WBT

Ward : Female Medical Ward @ FMW


Datang ke Hospital seawal pukul 8 pagi. Terus menuju ke pejabat pengurusan. Selepas menunggu Cik Siti, staff HDOK yang menguruskan bahagian penempatan elektif/latihan, akhirnya beliau tiba. Kemudian saya dibawa berjumpa SUPERVISOR yang akan menjaga saya sepanjang attachemnt, iaitu Head of Department, Medical di bangunan wad perubatan pempuan. Setibanya di wad tersebut, 1st impression is I'm not comfortable at all. See so many patient, with their branula attach on their hand, and also there some patient in acute and they have to breath pure 02 through mask, with SPO2 meter, vital machine, and ECG also, make my HR increase. I can feel my heartbeat faster and stronger. Kalau mase ni wat B.P check, konfem kena cop pre-hypertentive.

Then, Cik Siti pass me to DR. Azrin, who are one of HDOK's specialist, small size & skinny woman, light skin, but instead of her physical, she is one of the chief for those HOs and MOs in FMW. Beliau sangat ramah, terutama kepada bawahan beliau, suka tersenyum, dan bergaya selamba. hehe. Beliau sangat disenangi oleh doktor2x bawahan beliau. After DR.Azrin welcomed me, she then continue do her routine, "morning round". Sudah menjadi adat kebiasaan apabila MO/SPecialist buat round, HO, Staff Nurse, dan pharmacist akan mengiringi MO/Secialist tersebut. Kiranya, mereka akan round beramai-ramai la.

Pagi tu, saya hanya ikut sahaja DR. Azrin buat morning round mula dari pukul 8 pagi sehinnga bed paling last. Kira-kira pada pukul 11.30 pagi, barulah kami selesai habis round. Then, DR.Azrin go to Clinic, and for the time being, I am lefted alone in the ward. Seriously, dengan keadaan yang masih belum begitu selesa, saya cuba manyesuaikan diri dengan suasana persekitaran wad. Ini adalah disebabkan saya sangat tidak sukakan jarum, tube hos, darah, etc yang melibatkan pusat kesihatan. Sangat tidak suka/selesa. Namun, saya cuba letakkan diriku di tempat yang sesuai pada masa tersebut kerana saya sudah tidak lagi stick dengan DR.Azrin. Boleh ja kalau nak balik, tapi untuk hari pertama, saya mahu membiasakan diri dahulu dengan at jarum at least. :) Kebetulan ada some Medical Student from UMS pada masa tu. They are on their 3rd Year posting. Then, I went close to them, cause I saw they were communitaing with a patient at the corner of the ward. (pandai juga diorang ni cari point XD ) Lepas tu, saya pun tny salah seorang daripada mereka tentang patient tu kes penyakit apa? He told me that patient was SLE

1st time dengar, blurred. Apa tu SLE? --'' then, saya pilih utk dengar history taking session antara diorang, med. UMS dengan salah seorang remaja tersebut. Memang terkejut la sebab communicating skill diorang sangat.... perrgghh... terbaik. Saya senyum2x sahaja mendengar, sebab buku x bawa, so dengar ja la. Tapi mmg dalam kepala dah save siap-siap, balik nanti nak cr maklumat pasal SLE.

Finally, dalam pukul 2 petang, after the med. UMS leave, I then leave the ward and hospital also. That's my 1st day of attachmet. I got what? I got SLE with unknown anything about it. But then, at home, I found this :-

"SLE or Lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. The immune system is a complex system within the body that is designed to fight infectious agents, such as bacteria and other foreign microbes. One of the ways that the immune system fights infections is by producing antibodies that bind to the microbes. People with lupus produce abnormal antibodies in their blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign infectious agents. These antibodies are referred to as autoantibodies. 

Because the antibodies and accompanying cells of inflammation can affect tissues anywhere in the body, lupus has the potential to affect a variety of areas. Sometimes lupus can cause disease of the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, and/or nervous system. When only the skin is involved, the condition is called lupus dermatitis or cutaneous lupus erythematosus. A form of lupus dermatitis that can be isolated to the skin, without internal disease, is called discoid lupus. When internal organs are involved, the condition is referred to as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Both discoid lupus and systemic lupus are more common in women than men (about eight times more common). The disease can affect all ages but most commonly begins from 20-45 years of age."

SLE Symptoms

One of SLE Symptom : Butterfly Rash 

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